UKC CH RBIMBS Charming Chablis of Jack's Paradise
Sire: Dutch CH Liberated Lewis of Jack's Paradise
Dam: Treasure Tracy of Jack's Paradise
11 inches tall
heterozygous tan/white
heavy broken coat
10-09-04 to 4-23-11
- FCI Jack Russell Terrier
with the Raad Van Beheer
- UKC Jack Russell Terrier
- AKC Russell Terrier
Chablis received Reserve Best in Show at the Mason-Dixon Multi-breed show on Nov. 5, 2005

Chablis is special and it shows. His breeders, Theo and Monique Bastiaansen, knew this long before he ever came into my possession. He has worked with mentally challenged adults as a therapy dog through HABIT (2006-7). His exceptional disposition is one of the many positive attributes that I look forward to including in my breeding program. Chablis obtained his UKC conformation championship in December of 2005 and was Best in Show at the AJRTA Inaugural event in April 2006. As you can see from his video, Chablis loves the water. This trait has been passed down from his paternal grandfather, FCH SUCH RUCH Karrell Milo HaHa, an Australian import and avid swimmer. We participated in our first dock jumping event in August 2008 and hope to obtain our UNJC title in the future. Chablis has received a lot of positive characteristics from his Australian, English, and Dutch ancestors. So far, besides being exceptional pets, Chablis' offspring have been successful in performance events. He also has four offspring that have obtained their UKC CH.

Natural coat...ungroomed.
Chablis is a very good babysitter.
I can't begin to explain the pain and anguish involved in having to give up my Chablis. Watching my beautiful little man go from a perfectly healthy dog to critically ill within a day. The horror at the realization that everything that was done for him had only delayed the inevitable. The anger at knowing I was being cheated out of the most amazing dog I would ever know. The last moments of his life that were so precious to me...the last tiny tail wag, the last little kiss, the last sigh of his contentment from being in my arms, the last time I would gaze upon his sweet living face. No purer dog soul ever walked this Earth. He was truly exceptional. The pain of this loss is made all the worse knowing that never again will I come across another dog like Chablis. He was my once in a lifetime dog and no other will ever come close to filling his shoes. I will never be the same.