January 9 - UCH Desert Vista Dragonfly Dream arrived today and will be staying at RHR for most of 2008. She will have one litter while she is with us. This fiesty little girl comes from Belgian and domestic breeding.
February 9-10 - I attended the Atlanta Terrier Club Earthdog event with Crossfire, Chablis, and Dragon. All three dogs received a qualifying ribbon for Introduction to Quarry and Dragon received one of the two requirements for her Junior Earthdog title. The Atlanta Terrier Club put on a great event! One of their Intro to Quarry tunnels is pictured below.
February 2-3 - Chablis' daughter, Spy, has received two qualifying scores towards her Novice Rally title and finished in third place at her second show. Congratulations Lora!
March 21-23 - Truman and I attended Camp Jigsaw, a three day AKC tracking seminar. We had a wonderful experience and are looking forward to continuing to train on our own.
April 11-17 - I drove 14 hours to sunny Loxahatchee, Florida to have SuMoe bred to Australian import, Rascalee Bentley. Afterwards, I spent the rest of my week vacationing in Ormond Beach with SuMoe, Crossfire, Fletcher, and BB. We had a great time and the dogs really enjoyed the beach!
May 3 - Moe gave birth to her third and final litter...three male and three female puppies...sired by Carisbrooke Crossfire.
June 13 - SuMoe gave birth to one male and three female puppies...sired by outside stud, Rascalee Bentley. There is one tan/white female and the rest are tricolors that will likely fade in color.
May 31 - Congratulations to Julia with Ruby and Frank with Fonzie on their ribbons won at a local Agility Fun Match. This was Fonzie's first event. He received a third in Standards and a second in Gamblers. Ruby received a first in Standards. Both dogs are Chablis offspring. Have a look at Fonzie on video...click here.
June 14-5 - Ruby and Julia placed second out of fifteen dogs at their Regional Agility Championships. Congratulations guys! Have a look at Ruby in action...click here.
May 3-4 - Ruby received her Special Agility Dog of Canada title (SADC) and received another qualifying score in Gamblers. Congratulations Julia!
June 21 - I was the "Ask a Vet" for the first family reunion put on by Small Breed Rescue of East Tennessee, a group that our vet clinic works closely with. The event was held at Gray Dog Lodge in Lenoir City, TN. Chablis and Appy went with me to enjoy the activities. Chablis had 30 minutes of swim time in their new indoor saltwater pool to help him prepare for upcoming Dock Diving events.
July 25-7 - I attended the Mason-Dixon UKC dog show in Simpsonville, KY. Supertramp received a Group Three on Saturday which gives her one out of three competition wins needed for her UKC CH. She has now obtained all of her breed points. This was Crossfire's first show and he enjoyed it very much. He now has 3/4 of his breed points. Bebop came along to see the sights and prepare herself for future shows. She learned how to go up and down long flights of stairs at the hotel. :o)
August 4 - Dragon gave birth to her first litter...four girls sired by Chablis...three tricolor and one tan/white. I expect them to have lightly broken coats.
August 22-23 - Chablis and I attended our first Ultimate Air Dogs dock diving event in Salem, VA. We had a wonderful time and met some of the nicest, most helpful people. Chablis now has four out of the five "splashes" needed for his UKC UNJ (United Novice Jumper). Unfortunately, we did not make it to the fifth jump due to my getting a stomach virus and having to spend Sunday morning in the ER. :o( There will be other chances for that jump in the future and then we can start working on our UNJC (United Novice Jumper Champion).
August 29-31 - Crossfire and I attended a Middle Georgia Kennel Club UKC conformation event in Perry, GA at the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter. He really showed his stuff and came away with a Best in Multibreed Show, Reserve Best in Multibreed Show, two Terrier Group ones, two Terrier Group twos, and a Terrier Group four. Crossfire is now a UKC Champion!
September 21 - I took seven dogs to the North American Working Terrier Classic in Taylorsville, KY for some lure coursing. Everyone had a great time and it was a beautiful day to be outside. I spent as much money buying pictures as I did on entry fees. :o)
Sept 30/Oct 1 - I was able to meet Crossfire's breeder, Rita Francis-Little, from Australia. She was a wonderful cook and a great person to talk with. She evaluated how Crossfire had matured and also looked over some of his offspring. It was a very educational, but short, visit.
October 11-12 - Chablis and I went to another UAD dock diving event. This time in Columbus, Ohio. Unfortunately, Chablis was not in the dock diving mood. I wonder if it just wasn't hot enough outside to entice him into taking a dip, plus the water was rather cold. How do I know? I jumped in to encourage him....it didn't work. :o) He just wanted to relax at the hotel and watch TV.
October 19 - We took four dogs to a UKC conformation event in Athens, TN put on by the Great Smoky Mountain Dog Club. It was Bebop's first entered show. She received a Best Female and a Reserve Best Female. Crossfire was Best of Breed at both shows.
Oct 20 - Virginia gave birth to a son sired by Truman. Introducing Rolling Hill Tommy Two Toes...named after his spotty toes.

Dec 5-7 - Eight dogs and I took a long trip to Wakefield, VA for a weekend of UKC conformation put on by Hampton Roads Weight Pull Club. There was a wonderful turnout with 14 Russells entered in one show and 15 Russells entered in the five other shows. Rolling Hill had their fair share of success! Supertramp went Best Female and Best of Winners at the first show so she obtained another competition win. She only needs one more to earn her CH. Crossfire won the Champion class three times and also received one Reserve in the CH class so he only needs two more wins to earn his GRCH. He also went BOB at the first show and from there won a Group 2. Crossfire and Supertramp's daughter, Superstitious, won the Puppy Female class four times. She also went Best Female, Best of Winners, and BOB over champions at the last two shows. From there, she received a Group 1 and Group 4. To top it all off, she then won a Reserve Best in Show...and she's only 11 months old! Punky received one Reserve Best Female and a first in one Puppy Female class. We are all ready to relax for a while after such a busy weekend!
Dec 19 - Wildenfox Miss Melinda Louise completes her 2 day journey to Tennessee all the way from Australia. This little girl comes from a long line of Australian Champions who also excel in performance events.
Dec 20 - Supertramp makes the flight back to Tennessee from her vacation in Southern Florida. Thanks Dan for taking such good care of her! Keep your fingers crossed for as beautiful a litter as she had last time.